irritable bowel syndrome IBS symptoms

Irritable Bowel Syndrome IBS Treatment in Adelaide

What Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome IBS?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a condition that affects a lot of people. The most effective treatment approach is to address both the physical as well as the psychological aspects of IBS anxiety. And so effective therapy includes Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Hypnotherapy. Combining these approaches allows for positive and sustainable improvements in IBS symptoms.

Hypnotherapy as a treatment for IBS is widely used by leading Gastroenterologists in the UK to treat the psychological side and find it to be a highly effective treatment to relieve IBS anxiety and it’s symptoms.

“Dr Whorwell, a leading Gastroenterologist in the UK incorporates hypnosis into his treatment of clients at the Manchester Hospital. – Dr Whorwell is quoted explaining “IBS is ideal for treatment with hypnosis, as there is no structural damage to the body. During the IBS Hypnotherapy, sufferers learn how to influence and gain control of their gut function. And then seem to be able to change the way the brain modulates their gut activity.”

Hypnotherapy Associates

Danielle Paphitis now incorporates this approach in her Adelaide based clinic since 2019. Speak with Danielle at Adelaide Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to discuss an effective approach of CBT and hypnotherapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome IBS Adelaide.

What Are The Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a gastrointestinal disorder characterized by a cluster of symptoms related to the function of the digestive system. These symptoms can vary from person to person, and individuals with IBS may experience periods of symptom exacerbation and relief.


Here are common symptoms associated with IBS:

  1. Abdominal Pain or Discomfort:

    • Cramping or sharp pain in the lower abdomen is a hallmark symptom of IBS.
    • Pain often improves after a bowel movement.
  2. Changes in Bowel Habits:

    • Diarrhea: Frequent loose or watery stools.
    • Constipation: Difficulty passing stools, infrequent bowel movements, or a feeling of incomplete evacuation.
  3. Bloating and Gas:

    • Abdominal bloating and increased gas production may contribute to discomfort.
    • Bloating may be more pronounced after eating or in association with specific foods.
  4. Altered Stool Consistency:

    • Stool consistency may vary, ranging from loose and watery to hard and lumpy.
    • Changes in stool form and appearance are common.
  5. Mucus in Stool:

    • Some individuals with IBS may notice the presence of mucus in their stools.
  6. Urgency to Have a Bowel Movement:

    • A sudden and strong urge to have a bowel movement may occur.
  7. Incomplete Evacuation:

    • Feeling as though there is more stool to pass even after having a bowel movement.
  8. Food Intolerance:

    • Certain foods may trigger or exacerbate symptoms in individuals with IBS.
    • Common triggers include certain types of carbohydrates (FODMAPs), fatty foods, and gas-producing foods.
  9. Stress and Anxiety:

    • Stress and emotional factors can often worsen symptoms or trigger flare-ups.

IBS sufferers may experience a combination of symptoms. In addition to the physical symptoms, people also become anxious, depressed or become socially isolated.


CBT & Hypnotherapy as Effective IBS Treatments

Cognitive behavioral therapy CBT and hypnotherapy are both effective treatments for  Irritable Bowel Syndrome IBS. Research shows the combination of these two therapies is even more effective than either one alone.

Basically hypnotherapy enhances the effectiveness of CBT in several ways. For example.

  • Hypnotherapy for helps clients experiencing IBS symptoms to access and change deeply ingrained beliefs and patterns of thinking.
  • Hypnotherapy helps clients with IBS symptoms to achieve a deeper level of relaxation and focus. This enhances the effectiveness of CBT techniques such as exposure therapy or cognitive restructuring.
  • Hypnotherapy enhances the effectiveness of CBT is by increasing motivation and confidence in the therapy process.
  • Hypnotherapy also helps clients visualize themselves successfully overcoming their challenges and developing positive coping strategies. This increases clients motivation to continue with CBT and improves treatment outcomes.


Combining CBT & Hypnotherapy for IBS Rapid Results

Combining CBT and hypnotherapy is a powerful treatment approach for people experiencing IBS symptoms. Research suggests that it leads to faster and long-lasting results compared to CBT alone.

It’s important to work with a qualified and experienced therapist who can tailor the treatment approach to meet your individual needs. Speak with Danielle at Adelaide Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to discuss an effective approach of CBT and hypnotherapy for IBS sypmtoms.


How Hypnotherapy Helps IBS Symptoms

Hypnotherapy is an effective treatment for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It addresses the underlying psychological factors that  contribute to IBS symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, and changes in bowel movements. Here’s how.:

  • Reducing stress and anxiety: Hypnotherapy reduces stress and anxiety, which are known triggers for IBS symptoms. By inducing a state of deep relaxation, hypnotherapy minimises physiological responses to stress and anxiety, such as increased heart rate and breathing, which exacerbate IBS symptoms.
  • Changing gut sensitivity: Hypnotherapy changes how the gut responds to certain stimuli, such as food or stress, by altering the sensitivity of the gut. This can help reduce the severity and frequency of IBS symptoms.
  • Releasing negative emotions: Hypnotherapy resolves underlying negative emotions that may be contributing to IBS symptoms, such as anger, frustration, and fear. By addressing these emotions, hypnotherapy helps to improve the overall emotional wellbeing of the client reducing the impact of negative emotions on their physical health.
  • Addressing subconscious thought patterns: Hypnotherapy assists clients with IBS to identify and address subconscious thought patterns that are contributing to their symptoms. This often include negative self-talk, self-doubt, and other beliefs contributing to stress and anxiety.

Overall, hypnotherapy can be an effective treatment for IBS by addressing the underlying psychological factors that can contribute to symptoms.

It is important to note that hypnotherapy should only be administered by a trained and licensed hypnotherapist. Speak with Danielle at Adelaide Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to discuss an effective approach of CBT and hypnotherapy for IBS sypmtoms.



Research and Hypnotherapy for IBS

Hypnotherapy uses a deep state of relaxation called hypnosis to help people make positive changes in their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It is an effective treatment for a variety of conditions, including Anxiety and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

In the case of IBS, hypnotherapy is used to help clients manage their symptoms by reducing stress, anxiety, and tension that can exacerbate IBS symptoms.

Research has shown that hypnotherapy is a non-invasive and drug-free treatment option that can help individuals manage their IBS symptoms and improve their quality of life.


Adelaide Based Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome IBS

Sessions are offered in-person for those living in Adelaide or on Zoom if preferred. Therapy includes enhanced Cognitive Behavioural Therapy eCBT, Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy.


Danielle is dedicated to empowering clients to restore a natural state of calm, balance and wellness within themselves.

By adopting a person centred approach Danielle guides each client on their own highly personal healing journey.


  • In her comfortable and calming treatment room conveniently located in Payneham, South Australia with access to off-street parking.

  • Alternatively clients can choose to have sessions on Zoom in the comfort of their own home.