angry couple in a park cbt anger management

Coping with Anger with the help of CBT Counselling

Living with anger is challenging. Symptoms can range from internalised passive aggression through to explosive episodes of rage. It’s okay to seek help when needed. Speak with Danielle at Adelaide Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to discuss an effective approach of CBT Counselling for Anger Management therapy.

How is Anger Effecting Your Life?

Anger is a normal and natural emotion that everyone experiences from time to time. It can serve as a signal that something is wrong or unjust, and in some situations, it can be a motivating force for positive change. However, when anger is not managed appropriately, it can become destructive and have negative consequences for individuals and those around them.


Some of the destructive aspects of chronic anger:

  1. Health Consequences:
    • Chronic anger is associated with various health issues, including increased risk of cardiovascular problems, high blood pressure, and compromised immune function.
  2. Isolation and Alienation:
    • People who struggle with anger management may find themselves isolated from others due to fear or discomfort around their unpredictable behavior. This isolation can exacerbate feelings of anger and contribute to a cycle of social withdrawal.
  3. Impact on Mental Health:
    • Unmanaged anger is associated with mental health issues, including increased rates of depression and anxiety.
  4. Escalation of Conflict:
    • Uncontrolled anger often leads to an escalation of conflicts. Arguments can become more heated, and situations can spiral out of control, resulting in more damage and hurt feelings.
  5. Physical Aggression:
    • In extreme cases, uncontrolled anger can lead to physical aggression or violence. This poses a significant risk to both the individual experiencing anger and those around them.
  6. Impact on Children and Family Dynamics:
    • Children exposed to chronic anger within the family may experience emotional distress and negative impacts on their well-being. Family dynamics can be disrupted, leading to a challenging and unhealthy environment.


Cognitive Behavior Therapy CBT for Anger Management

It’s important to recognize the signs of destructive anger and seek help if needed. Professional interventions, such as anger management therapy and counselling, can provide people with effective strategies for managing anger in healthier ways and preventing the negative consequences associated with uncontrolled anger.


Speak with Danielle at Adelaide Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to discuss an effective approach of CBT Counselling for Anger Management.

Combining CBT for Anger Management with Hypnotherapy

Combining Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with hypnotherapy for anger management can offer a comprehensive and holistic approach to address both the cognitive and emotional aspects of anger. Each approach brings unique techniques that, when integrated, can enhance the effectiveness of anger management counselling.


How Combining CBT and Hypnotherapy enhances results:

  1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT):
    • Identifying and Restructuring Thoughts: CBT counselling helps individuals recognize and challenge distorted or irrational thoughts that contribute to anger.
    • Behavioral Strategies: CBT incorporates behavioral techniques to modify behaviors associated with anger.
  2. Hypnotherapy:
    • Accessing the Subconscious Mind: Hypnotherapy aims to induce a state of deep relaxation and increased suggestibility. This allows access to the subconscious mind. In this state, individuals may be more receptive to positive suggestions and imagery related to anger management.
    • Exploring Root Causes: Hypnotherapy can help individuals explore and address underlying issues that contribute to anger, such as unresolved traumas or deep-seated emotions. By addressing these root causes, individuals can experience lasting changes in their emotional responses.
  3. Integration of CBT and Hypnotherapy:
    • Identifying Triggers: CBT counselling techniques for identifying triggers and challenging negative thoughts can be integrated with hypnotherapy to explore the emotional and subconscious associations linked to these triggers.
    • Cognitive Restructuring in Hypnosis: Cognitive restructuring techniques from CBT can be incorporated into hypnotherapy sessions, allowing individuals to modify negative thought patterns at a deeper level.
    • Reinforcing Positive Behaviors: Hypnotherapy can be used to reinforce positive behavioral changes established through CBT. Positive suggestions and imagery during hypnosis can strengthen the individual’s commitment to healthier ways of managing anger.
  4. Relaxation and Stress Reduction:
    • Combining Relaxation Techniques: Both CBT and hypnotherapy emphasize relaxation techniques to manage stress and anxiety.
  5. Self-Help Strategies:
    • Teaching Self-Hypnosis: Individuals can be taught self-hypnosis techniques as part of their anger management toolkit. This empowers them to use hypnotherapy principles independently for ongoing self-regulation.
    • Implementing CBT Skills: Incorporating CBT skills, such as self-monitoring and thought challenging, can enhance the individual’s ability to manage anger in everyday situations.

Choosing the Right Mental Health Professional

People considering this approach should seek guidance from qualified mental health practitioners trained with expertise in both CBT and hypnotherapy.

Danielle tailors this integrated approach to each clients specific needs and preferences by customising the treatment plan based on their unique circumstances.


Why Choose CBT Counselling for Anger Management?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an effective therapeutic approach for managing and treating anger issues. CBT for anger management focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to anger. It helps individuals develop healthier coping mechanisms and more adaptive ways of responding to triggering situations.


Here are some key techniques in CBT:

  1. Self-awareness:
    • Identifying Triggers: Recognize situations, events, or thoughts that trigger anger. This involves understanding the specific circumstances that lead to an anger response.
    • Body Awareness: Firstly, pay attention to physical signs of anger, such as increased heart rate, muscle tension, or changes in breathing.
  2. Cognitive Restructuring:
    • Identify Irrational Thoughts: Secondly, examine and challenge irrational or distorted thoughts that contribute to anger.
    • Replace Negative Thoughts: Thirdly, replace irrational thoughts with more balanced and realistic ones. This can help shift perspective and reduce the intensity of anger.
  3. Problem-Solving Skills:
    • Define the Problem: Most importantly; clearly define the issue or problem that is contributing to anger.
    • Generate Solutions: Brainstorm and evaluate possible solutions to the problem.
  4. Behavioral Techniques:
    • Relaxation Exercises: Practice deep-breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, or guided imagery to manage physiological arousal associated with anger.
    • Pattern Interrupt: Implement a brief break when feeling overwhelmed by anger. Use this time to calm down before reengaging with the situation.
  5. Anger Coping Strategies:
    • Develop Coping Statements: Create positive and calming statements to repeat during moments of anger.
    • Visualization: Use mental imagery to imagine responding calmly and effectively to challenging situations.


Why Choose Hypnotherapy for Anger Management

Hypnotherapy is a useful and complementary approach for managing anger. It involves the use of hypnosis, a state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility, to promote relaxation, enhance self-awareness, and address underlying issues contributing to anger.


How Hypnotherapy Helps with Anger Management:

  1. Deep Relaxation:
    • Inducing Calm States: Hypnotherapy helps individuals enter a deep state of relaxation, particularly focusing on reducing physiological arousal and tension associated with anger. This relaxed state can be conducive to exploring and addressing anger triggers.
  2. Identifying Triggers and Patterns:
    • Exploration of Subconscious: Hypnotherapy allows individuals to access the subconscious mind, where deep-seated emotions and memories are stored. This exploration helps identify triggers, patterns, and unresolved issues contributing to anger.
  3. Cognitive Restructuring:
    • Modifying Thought Patterns: While in a hypnotic state, individuals can work on modifying negative thought patterns associated with anger.
  4. Emotional Release:
    • Addressing Unresolved Emotions: Hypnotherapy provides a safe space for individuals to explore and release unresolved emotions contributing to anger. This may involve revisiting past experiences, processing emotions, and fostering a sense of closure.
  5. Positive Suggestions and Imagery:
    • Building Positive Associations: Hypnotherapy incorporates positive suggestions and imagery to create associations with calmness, self-control, and alternative ways of responding to anger triggers. These suggestions promote healthier emotional reactions.
  6. Stress Reduction:
    • Managing Stressors: Hypnotherapy teaches clients relaxation techniques and stress management strategies to prevent the build-up of stressors that may lead to anger. This includes visualizing peaceful scenes or using guided imagery.
  7. Increasing Self-Awareness:
    • Mindfulness and Self-Reflection: Hypnotherapy encourages self-awareness by fostering mindfulness and self-reflection. Individuals become more attuned to their emotional responses and gain insights into the underlying causes of anger.
  8. Behavioral Change:
    • Implementing New Behavioral Responses: Hypnotherapy sessions involve suggestions for adopting new, adaptive behaviors in response to anger triggers. This includes improved communication skills, problem-solving strategies, and conflict resolution techniques.


Choosing the Right Mental Health Professional

It’s essential to work with a qualified and experienced hypnotherapist who specializes in anger management or behavioral issues. The hypnotherapist will tailor the sessions to the individual’s specific needs, ensuring a personalized and effective approach.

While hypnotherapy is a valuable component of an anger management plan, the most compelling evidence suggests it is even more beneficial when combined with cognitive-behavioral techniques CBT for anger management.

Integrating hypnotherapy into a comprehensive anger management program enhances its overall effectiveness.


Individuals considering hypnotherapy should consult with mental health professionals to determine the most suitable and evidence-based approach for their specific situation. Speak with Danielle at Adelaide Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to discuss an effective approach of CBT for Anger Management.


CBT Counselling for Anger management 

Sessions are offered in-person for those living in the Adelaide Area or Online if preferred. Therapy includes Cognitive Behavioural Therapy CBT, Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy helping important messages hit home within the subconscious mind, allowing for positive shifts to take place.


Danielle is dedicated to empowering clients to restore a natural state of calm, balance and wellness within themselves.

By adopting a person centred approach Danielle guides each client on their own highly personal healing journey.


  • In her comfortable and calming treatment room conveniently located in Payneham, South Australia with access to off-street parking.

  • Alternatively clients can choose to have sessions on Zoom in the comfort of their own home.